Tuesday 20 January 2009


I've just watched Hunter, a two part special about the kidnapping of two boys. The program broached the subject of abortion from a very interesting perspective. Two mothers, who have both had abortions in the past, have their sons kidnapped by an pro-life (anti-abortion) group called Sacred. They say that unless their graphic anti-abortion video is shown on all the BBC news broadcasts they will terminate the lives of these two boys by lethal injection.

This creates a very interesting and (one would hope) fairly improbable paradox. If these people truely believed in the absolute sanctity of life, as they claim they do, then their is absolutely no chance that they would even consider killing these boys. Yet they do. So they are themselves using the same means as those they are opposing to get their message across, effective maybe but utterly hypocritical.

Still the program highlights something which society today seems completely oblivious and uncorncerned about. Abortion. Pro-choice supporters argue that it is the mothers right to choose. Yet surely in 99% of cases the mother has already made the choice by having sex. The easily access to abortion is creating a society of irresponsible people with no real regard for the true value and sanctity of life.
My mother has no right at all to terminate my life now, and I am no more human now than I was in the womb. Yet somehow it is deemed to be perfectly acceptable to kill these unborn children. Many comparisons could and have been made to the attrocities of the holocaust. The only difference is that most of the murders going on now are pre-birth murders and the numbers of those killed has already eclipsed the numbers who where killed in the holocaust.

People will understandably argue about the dangers of back street abortion clinics and victims of rape, yet lets think about it for a minute. how many mothers died from botched jobs in back street abortion clinics? Significantly less than the 200,000 children aborted a year in the UK. Abortion seems to be handed out like free condoms, if you want an abortion you can have one. You don't need a real reason anymore.

Why does nobody care?


  1. Interesting movie concept but yah, totally doesn't make sense in the characters' hypocrisy.

    It'd be helpful to know what the actual statistics were on botched jobs...but I guess actual numbers would be impossible to determine. An educated estimate would be helpful though.

  2. Its The Great Chang! A pleasure to see you on here, you should write yourself a blog! Thanks for the comment, I got the abortion figures off the Christian Institute website didn't think of getting figures for botched jobs, but thankyou good call!
